

A World Leader of Behavioral Solutions for Neuroscience Research

Panlab is a leading manufacturer and software developer of products and systems for life science animal research. Panlab specializes in the field of neuroscience research, providing a wide range of solutions for studying behavior and physiology in small laboratory animals.

Our products help solve relevant problems in basic and clinical psychopharmacology. Applications includes the study of brain functions (ex. cognition, memory, emotion), the study of related pathologies (ex. Alzheimer, Parkinson, depression, addiction) and the discovery and screening of new therapeutic compounds.

Panlab also aims to satisfy the needs of housing for investigation animals, such as the supply of animal standard and research diets, cages and accessories.

Highlighted Products

The rodent Activity Wheel represents a very simple and clever way to register animal physical activity in its home cage environment. The use of this high throughput tool is particularly relevant for research involving circadian rhythms, phenotyping and drug testing.

Panlab/Harvard Apparatus small animal treadmills are used for forced exercise training and accurate testing of fatigue in rodents. A control unit with touchscreen user interface plus the ability to perform individual lane stimulation (shock or air-puff) add convenience and experimental flexibility in setting up and managing study parameters.

Click here to learn more about additional product offerings from Panlab 

And Don't Forget to Add Telemetry to your Next Behavioral Study
and Take your Research to the Next Level!

Both the running wheel and the treadmill can be synchronized with DSI telemetry and brought into one software platform for easy analysis. Additional physiologic information allows for parallel and complementary assessment of the animals physiological changes during voluntary or forced activity. 

Visit our Behavior and Physiology page to Learn More About Combining Telemetry into your Next Behavioral Study 

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Animo Acid Analyzers, UV/Visible Spectrophotometers and Microplate Readers


Tools for Improved Measurement of Microliter Sized Samples of DNA, RNA, Oligos and Proteins


 Instruments, Specialty Electrodes and Accessories for Electroporation and Electrofusion


Microdialysis Instruments and Consumables for Basic Research and Optimized, Accelerated Drug Development

HA Logo Wide HBIO Tagline

Programmable Syringe Pumps, Pressure and Volume Controlled Ventilators' and Specialized Bioscience Research Products 

HSE HBIO Tagline Logo

Advanced Isolated Organ and Tissue Perfusion Systems, as well as Data Acquisition Hardware 


Instrumentation and Software for Applications in the Fields of Electrophysiology and Electrochemistry


Electrophysiology Solutions for In Vitro and In Vivo Recording with Microelectrode Arrays, and Wireless/Tethered In Vivo Recording Systems

Warner Transparent

 Biomedical Devices for Electrophysiological, Cellular and Neurological Sciences