Looking for ways to move your research forward during the pandemic? Our scientific services teams offer safe, customizable, and affordable options.

Need animals for a telemetry study? Try our pre-implanted animals!
Need installation or training on a DSI system? Get virtual assistance from our technical support experts!
Have a mountain of data to analyze? Let our analysis experts take care of it for you and create custom reports to fit your needs!

scientific services, dsi services, preclinical services

Welcome to Scientific Services

DSI can help you streamline your studies by providing expertise you can trust. Our Scientific Services teams can help you make better informed decisions by helping you achieve greater implanted telemetry success, summarize data for confidence in your results, execute preclinical in vivo studies and meet validation GLP requirements.

For questions,
contact Scientific Services today at  ScientificServices@datasci.com

Scientific Services Mission Statement: To accelerate scientific discovery through collaboration, excellence and confident study execution.

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