Rat whole body plethysmography

Mouse, Rat and Guinea Pig Unrestrained Whole Body Plethysmography


DSI’s Unrestrained Whole Body Plethysmograph chambers enable researchers to monitor physiologic endpoints such as Breaths-per-Minute (BPM), Tidal Volume, Minute Volume, Inspiratory time, Expiratory time, Pause and PenH from unrestrained animals.

  • Designed to reduce environmental ambient noise produced by changes in room air flows.
  • Top loading for easy placement of test subjects.
  • Accommodates a wide range of pressure transducers.
  • Stainless steel grid floor provides improved animal hygiene.
  • Easy to clean aerosolization port.
  • Single screen pneumotachograph eliminates the need to overlap multiple screens while providing optimal resistance.

DSI also offers a line of replacement accessories providing customers the ability to replace contaminated, lost or damaged chamber parts and extend the operational life of the DSI Unrestrained Whole Body Plethysmograph Chambers.

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DSI offers whole body plethysmography chambers for the following three models:
  • Rat
  • Mouse
  • Guinea Pig